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Rashmi Gajree Nutritional Therapist specialising in IBS and digestive issues
Rashmi Gajree Nutritional Therapist specialising in IBS and digestive issues



tummy troubles

ditch the food baby, and go out with confidence.

Ready to take the first step towards digestive freedom? Book a free Gut Health Review here

Are you bored of eating the same foods and want to know what you CAN eat?

Does your waist size fluctuate depending on your bloating, affecting which clothes you feel comfortable or confident in? Are you frustrated with trying to figure out what to eat and planning your life around the bathroom? You feel horrible after eating certain foods, so you eat the same things every day. And your symptoms vary even though you eat the same things every day. It makes no sense, right?

Rashmi Gajree Nutritional Therapist specialising in IBS and digestive issues
The IBS Nutritionist Logi
The IBS Nutritionist Logo

Let me help

My name is Rashmi Gajree

I’m a Nutritional Therapist. I help my clients discover the foods that cause flare ups and focus on the foods they can eat so they can focus on healing their gut naturally. I would love to help you eat your way to better health so that you can enjoy your life again, without fearing normal activities like eating out, socialising or exercising.


I suffered with gut symptoms for many years and understand the impact this can have on your day-to-day life. I know what it’s like to not be taken seriously and told ‘you look fine; when inside I was dealing with totally unpredictable bloating, discomfort, toilet troubles and general feelings of ‘blah’ that got in the way of truly loving daily life. Now I use nutrition and lifestyle medicine to help people just like you rediscover their health. I’m on a mission to give you the support you need to enable you to make changes so that you can lead a more normal life again.

Don’t suffer through this alone.

Get some clear answers and find the freedom you deserve.

I turned my health around, and you can too! I can help guide you. Together we can discover your triggers and look at the underlying causes of your pain and discomfort, so that you can enjoy a varied diet, more energy and time to focus on the things you love.


We will create a personalised plan, unique to you. I will support you every step of the way by making gradual changes that fit in with your own lifestyle.

Schedule a free 30-minute Gut Health Review.

tips for beating bloating

What if....

you could eat without bloating?

Are you tired of feeling bloated all the time? Have you tried cutting out foods but nothing seems to work? Are you confused by conflicting online advice? Do you lack confidence because of your bloating? Would you like to learn some simple ways to reduce your symptoms? DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF ‘5 easy ways to beat the bloat’.

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