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Rashmi Gajree Nutritional Therapist specialising in IBS and digestive issues
The IBS Nutritionist
The IBS Nutritionist
Foods good for digestive issues and IBS
The IBS Nutritionist
The IBS Nutritionist

I'm Rashmi Gajree

a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach specialising in digestive health.


Learn more about how nutritional therapy can make a difference to your health and your life, by booking a free gut health review.


I work with people like you, with IBS and digestive issues.

This was a big turning point in my life, and I decided I wanted to help other people struggling with digestive issues to live their life with confidence". I studied nutritional therapy and digestive health and now I inspire my clients to regain their health and happiness with a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan that fits their life.

In my 20's I struggled with self-confidence due to my debilitating digestive issues. I know how it feels to be asked if you are pregnant, or for people to tell you that you look fine, even though you inside you feel inadequate. I remember ‘never having anything to wear” that I felt comfortable in.


I discovered how nutrition and lifestyle impacted digestion, and once I made some small changes, I started to feel better. 


I also discovered how functional testing could help to identify what my underlying causes were, rather than being told that “nothing” is wrong. This was a big turning point in my life, and I decided I wanted to help other people struggling with digestive issues to live their life with confidence.


I will support you by recommending small and manageable changes that fit into YOUR lifestyle. I will provide you with the tools through Health Coaching to be consistent, so that you can achieve these changes. 


I will inspire you to get on a journey with a personalised plan that fits your lifestyle.

My mission when working with you is to find the triggers to your tummy troubles and to work out the root cause of your discomfort so that you can confidently eat the foods that you enjoy.

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Schedule a free 30-minute Gut Health Review

learn more about Nutritional Therapy, and discover how making simple changes can have a big impact.

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